Below, you will find parental guidance on a number of areas. If there is anything not covered here that you would still like clarity on, we encourage you to contact our school office via the contact form on our Contact Us page.
School Nursing Contacts
The Community School Nursing Team can be contacted on 0300 12303444. Phone lines are open between 8am and 5pm Monday-Friday.
You can also contact Morolake Arifalo, Specialist Community Public Health School Nurse on 07816 288938 or via
Please click on the link below for a self referral form.
Severe Weather
The Howard School is committed to ensuring that all our students are able to maximise their potential. We therefore aim to remain open during inclement weather, balancing the risks from lower supervision, disrupted journeys, or minor injury, against disruption to our students’ learning. We rely on our parents/carers to make appropriate decisions about students’ safety when travelling during periods of inclement weather.
In the rare circumstances that it becomes necessary to close the school due to severe weather, the decision will not be taken lightly. The decision to close the school will be based on the fact that students or staff would face significant risk of injury.
When exceptional weather is expected the following guidelines should be noted:
If the school is to be closed due to severe weather before students arrive at the beginning of the school day, an alert will be posted on the school website by 6.45am. We will also update our social media feeds (@TheHowardTHAT), and try to inform local radio stations.
If weather conditions deteriorate whilst the school is in session we will endeavour to contact parents to inform them of the situation. Students will be kept fully informed of the decision and guidance given as to the next steps.
Students should wear appropriate clothing, taking into account the type of weather, including a hat, gloves and suitable coat, as necessary. Suitable footwear to cope with the weather may be necessary, but school shoes should be worn upon entry to the school building.
Parents are advised to check transportation information if their son/daughter travels by public transport. If the school is open and your son/daughter cannot get in due to the weather, parents should telephone the school to report this absence.
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