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Food Preparation and Nutrition

The purpose of the Food Preparation and Nutrition curriculum at The Howard School is:

  • to equip all our students with the knowledge and skills necessary to: 
    - understand the requirements of a balanced healthy diet;
    - cook a range of healthy sweet and savoury dishes;
    - work with a range of ingredients safely;
    - use all kitchen equipment safely and correctly;
    - independently reflect on, evaluate and improve the successes of recipes at KS3.
  • to build upon the knowledge and skills of KS3 to equip all our students with the knowledge and skills necessary to:
    - prepare food;
    - understand the requirements of a healthy balanced diet including all nutrients, their sources, and the effects of excess and deficiency;
    - recognise the functional properties of food; to understand the physical and chemical reactions of cookery;
    - appreciate food safety, spoilage and contamination;
    - consider factors affecting food choice;
    - appreciate international cuisine and ingredients as well as British cuisine;
    - understand food provenance and production and food labelling and marketing;
    - be able to independently reflect on, adapt, evaluate and improve the successes of recipes.


Ms McDonald Head of Food Technology
Mrs Garcia-Espinosa Food Technician

Courses offered in KS4