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RE, Philosophy and Ethics

The purpose of the Religious Education curriculum at The Howard School is:

  • to introduce our students to different beliefs, values and practises.
  • to celebrate some of the similarities and differences between key beliefs and teachings.
  • to explore how different religions celebrate their history and to support our students to understand rites of passage.
  • to enable students to critically assess different responses to ethical issues.
  • to support our students to evaluate the role of religious beliefs in the modern day and challenge our students to define what is sacred and what is profane.
  • to challenge our students to consider more deeply philosophical questions on life after death, evil and suffering and to pose to them existential questions on our existence, evaluating their effectiveness.
  • to provide our students with an opportunity to explore their own moral compass and find their voice in discussions and debates.


Mrs Cleall Head of RE
Miss Leeper Teacher of RE

Learning Journey

Courses offered in KS4 & KS5

GCSE Religious Education

A-Level Religious Studies