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The purpose of the Science curriculum at The Howard School is:

  • to share our passion for Science.
  • to allow our students to develop a curiosity for the world around them
  • to enable our students to not just be able to use modern technology but to develop an appreciation for how it works.
  • to allow our students to appreciate the progress we have made as humans and how the ideas and concepts that we take for granted now were once new and often controversial.
  • to dispel our students’ misconceptions about how science and technology work.
  • to develop critical thinking skills, making our students rational, confident young people who can make a positive contribution to society.
  • to develop our students’ problem solving skills and resilience through the teaching of challenging, abstract concepts.
  • to prepare students for the world of work by equipping them with the aforementioned skills, regardless of whether they work in a scientific field or not.


Mr Scott Head of Science
Mr Bassi Deputy Head of Science
Ms Riddell Deputy Head of Science 
Ms Samuels Deputy Headteacher/Teacher of Science
Ms Jaiyeoba Head of Year 8/Teacher of Science
Mr Michelsen Deputy Head of Year 7/Teacher of Science
Mr Squires Teacher of Science
Mr Day Teacher of Science
Mr Doe Deputy Head of Year 8 / Teacher of Science
Mr Heaton Teacher of Science
Miss Stamp Teacher of Science
Mr Johnson Teacher of Science
Mr Sappor Teacher of Science
Mr Opoku Teacher of Science

Courses offered in KS4 & KS5

GCSE Science

A-Level Physics

BTEC Applied Science with Forensics

A-Level Biology

A-Level Chemistry

Reading Curriculum